Montag, 24. Oktober 2016

spinnin´around and around.. favourite record shops pt.3

Imagine making a cheesy independent french movie. You would have the soft yellowish light, dusty charming houses and green metal gates, girls in Doc Martens and flower dresses. Imagine the action would take place in a french record store. What would it look like? Of course you would find it dans un joli cul de sac avec déchets et poussière. Total Heaven records is hidden in one of this nice little streets quite close to Bordeauxs` university.
Who would run such a shop in the middle of southern France? Of course a bad ass charming frenchman wearing hawaiian shirts and showing his chesthair, wearing glasses and speaking some nice fantasy English with french accent. What a weird turnon!
This place can´t be named. It´s a mix of art/poster shop, record store and basement. The mix is an intimmidating proof of great taste. Indie, Sixties, Mowtown, D-d-dooooom, Dancehall, Dub, African Tunes... these people made a polaroid of my brain and translated it into music. It´s structured rather perfectly and clear, no useless roaming around. You will also find beautiful zines and diy art and photo books that just match the vibe. Maybe you would also like to walk with a silkscreen print of a masturbating Osama Bin Laden... or what about a bike or canned tuna? Well, their mix is special but perfect. The store smells like summer and eternal vacation.
I walked home with some nice Codein Bootlegs, Dorothy Ashby, King Tubby tunes and some zines from 92, when I was 8 years old and did not even think southern France does exist.
Should get back there sometime soon.... Close to it there´s a nice fleamarket where countless people from Algeria or Marocco sell awesome african vinyl.

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